Meet my husband, Larry Miller.  Recently we celebrated over 30 years of marriage!  I like to tell people we got married when we were twelve...okay, not quite twelve.  But we were young, and thankfully it was a solid decision and we've both become better because of it.

One of our passions, as a couple, is renovating homes.  Old homes, new homes, pretty much any home...often it's the ones no one else wants to tackle.  We find it inspiring to be a part of something larger than ourselves, and restoring beauty and vibrance to a property and improving values in a neighborhood provides us a thrill that is right up there with what cliff-diving or hang-gliding would be to some!  

Yeah, we're kind of nerds that way.

But Larry has, undoubtedly,  what I like to call "mad Amish skills".  No kidding.  He was Amish when we met.  We both have Amish and Mennonite roots, so work ethic and common sense are part of our DNA.  

After pastoring on staff at Vineyard Columbus (the one on Cooper Rd.) for 7 years, we took a flying leap of faith, and Larry resigned.  In November of 2012 Larry started remodeling homes full-time.  His business is called Redeeming Spaces LLC doing business as Larry Miller Remodeling. This profession comes so naturally to him, and he’s taken to it like a fish to water.  His specialty is renovating kitchens, remodeling bathrooms, finishing basements, and installing tile and wood flooring.   He also replaces windows and doors, and does interior trim work.  

See pics of his recent renovations under the "Property Renovations" tab.  

PS  Although pastoring is still his is displayed differently now, in each moment of his daily life, instead of being his official work title.

In 2017, Larry acquired a property where has a designated space to create special custom pieces to incorporate into his designs!  He opened his first official woodworking shop here, and he’s put his mad Amish skills to work inside the house, too, making it into office space for the business.


Clowning around at a family event recently, his cousin captured the essence of his personality in this one shot. Love! 

Always has a hat on with a pencil while working...I guess it's just his jam!

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